Kwazulu Natal
Short description of yourself: I have a Bachelors Degree in Theology with Psychology and Masters Degree in Theology specialising Pastoral Care and Counselling. Additional Courses are: Victim Empowerment (Trauma) Certificate, HIV and AIDS Management. I am registered with the South African Association for Pastoral Work as Pastoral Counsellor Specialist Therapist. I have been working as Pastoral Counsellor since 2005, serving the local community but also clients from other areas. I am also registered with the HWSETA as Assessor for Theology and Ministry.
Specializes in…:
Counselling: Grief and Bereavement
Trauma and Crisis
Issues of abuse
Marital and Relationships
Christian Counselling
Parenting and Parenting of children with disabilities
Training courses and workshops: Spiritual Days of Reflection, Counselling issues such as Grief and Bereavement, Self-esteem, and Parenting Skills workshops.
Choose a category: Counseling, Kwazulu Natal, Marriage Counseling, Pastoral Therapist, Psychologist
Short description of yourself: Pastorale terapeut en geestelike begeleiding. Ek het ‘n PhD by Tukkies behaal in Missiologie en het ‘n nagraadse diploma in funksionele terapie by Perspektief behaal. Ek is ‘n voltydse predikant van die NG Kerk en doen pastorale terapie met jongmense en volwassenes op gereelde basis.
Specializes in…:
Funksionele terapie
Geestelike begeleiding
Choose a category: Functional Therapist, Kwazulu Natal, Marriage Counseling, Pastoral Therapist
Short description of yourself: Dean of the KZN Campus of Perspective Training College also Functional Therapist in private practice: Emotive Worx.
Specializes in…:
Individual Counselling
Parental Guidance
Marriage Counselling
Co-Dependency and Dependency
Functional Therapy
Life Coach
Pastoral Therapist
Teenage Counselling
Ecometric Assessments for Adults, Students and Children
Career Planning Assessments
Personal Driving Dynamics
Choose a category: Counseling, Ecometric Assessments, Functional Therapist, Kwazulu Natal, Life Coach, Marriage Counseling, Pastoral Therapist, TRAINING COLLEGES