
Province: Gauteng
City/Town: Alberton
Surname: Thompson
Short description of yourself: Warren Thompson studied Psychology and Social Work at the University of Johannesburg. The combination of the two disciplines equip him with a varied skill base that allows an eclectic approach to client issues. His approach to therapy is one of taking a journey with the client of exploration and equipping them with the tools and skills that will foster growth, not only in therapy, but in their long term life.
Specializes in…:

Individual counselling
Large life changes
Sexuality issues
Marriage/Couples counselling (Including same sex couples)
Pre marital preparation
Parental guidance
Teenager/Young Adult Counselling
Trauma Debriefing
Clinical Hypno Therapy (Only used in specialised circumstances, not used as my general therapy tool or mode)
School educational workshops
Corporate workshops
Career Assessments
Divorce Mediation
Court reports and assessments

Business Website Address:
Business Phone Number: 078 503 8243
Dr Karin
Province: Gauteng
City/Town: Johannesburg
Surname: Luck
Specializes in…:

Business Assessments
Career Assessments
Marraige Guidance Counseling
Mediation Services
Parenting Workshops
Premarital Counseling
Psychotherapy with Individuals

Business Website Address:
Province: Northern Cape
City/Town: Kathu
Surname: Barnard
Specializes in…:

Pastorale Sielkundige

Roxanne, Anna
Province: Gauteng
City/Town: Robertsham en Germiston
Surname: Bailey
Short description of yourself: My passie berus by die bystand aan leerders met leerprobleme (ADD / ADHD, Asperger Sindroom, Dyslexia en minimale leer of lees vaardigheid moeilikhede, sowel as jou begaafde leerders) en lae selfbeeld, depressie onder leerders, sowel as lae motivering. As Onafhanklike Psigometris belei ek ook leerders in beroepskeuses, deur middel van die gebruik van ekometriese toetsings, so ook standaardiseerde psigometriese toetsings. Leesterapie le my ook na aan die hart met die jonger leerders. ‘n Hardwerkende, saggeaarde, eerlike dame, wat goeie waardes en grootliks die Skepper se riglyne die bes moontlike nastreef. Glo in die goeie van ander en hulle sterkpunte. Sodoende het elke individu die potensiaal om hulle eie talente te bevorder en die beste te wees wie hulle kan wees deur die genade van God, ongeag jou omstandighede. Die grootste uitdaging berus op elke individu – indien hulle die wil en die innerlike sterkte beskik, so ook die besluit neem: dat hy / sy wil.
Specializes in…:

BA (Child Psych) RAU, BA (Psych Honours) UJ,
Certificate in Functional Therapy (PostGraduate) Perspektief Training College -UNISA,
Registered Counsellor CO 0606,
EthnoHealth Care Practitioner PRO08146, SAAP,
Psychometry BA (HONS) (PSYCH) Degree PR 0389129,
Reading Therapist (Read for Africa),
Basic Sign Language

Business Phone Number: 0110247812
Province: Eastern Cape
City/Town: Misgund
Surname: Viljoen
Specializes in…:


Choose a category:
Mrs Adri
Province: Kwazulu Natal
City/Town: Durban
Surname: Sutherland
Short description of yourself: I have a Bachelors Degree in Theology with Psychology and Masters Degree in Theology specialising Pastoral Care and Counselling. Additional Courses are: Victim Empowerment (Trauma) Certificate, HIV and AIDS Management. I am registered with the South African Association for Pastoral Work as Pastoral Counsellor Specialist Therapist. I have been working as Pastoral Counsellor since 2005, serving the local community but also clients from other areas. I am also registered with the HWSETA as Assessor for Theology and Ministry.
Specializes in…:

Counselling: Grief and Bereavement
Trauma and Crisis
Issues of abuse
Marital and Relationships
Christian Counselling
Parenting and Parenting of children with disabilities
Training courses and workshops:  Spiritual Days of Reflection, Counselling issues such as Grief and Bereavement, Self-esteem, and Parenting Skills workshops.

Business Phone Number: 0844 659563
Province: Gauteng
City/Town: Midrand
Surname: Saunders
Short description of yourself: I am a Christian and I have a passion in seeing lives changed. I am a Counselling Psychologist and I am able to do therapy in both English and Afrikaans. Most of my experience has been, working with families whose children have been sexually abused. I have also 6 years’ experience of working within an African culture.
Specializes in…:

Trauma, including sexual abuse and rape. (I have more than ten years’ experience in preparing victims to testify in a criminal court)

Pre-marital counselling

Couple’s and Marriage counselling

NBI Whole Brain Practitioner

Business Phone Number: 082 793 7983

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